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Torsion Springs


Jiangsu Weiyuan Gaofeng Spring Co., Ltd. specializes in compresion springstension springstorsion springswire forms. Spring applications in life are ubiquitous.

The simplest example of a torsion spring is the clip.You can also find torsion springs in the ATV suspension system, hinges and ratchet tools. Torsion springs work differently than compression springs and tension springs, but they are still one of the most common springs in the world.

How does the torsion spring work?
Torsion springs are usually coils and coils wound.Their ends can be in a variety of styles.Like a tension spring, the torsion spring must be connected to other parts at both ends to work. When the force acts on the end of the spring, they tighten the coil of the torsion spring. When the spring returns to its stationary coil diameter, it will bring the attached parts.

Manufacturing torsion spring
As with any spring, various parameters must be considered in order to properly calibrate the spring winder to create a torsion spring. In addition to the general size and shape, designers of torsion springs must also consider the following factors:

Spring stiffness: the force required to measure the spring force
Maximum deflection: the farthest spring can be pushed before damage occurs
Spacing: Although most torsion springs are tightly wound, some torsion springs are used to reduce friction.
End: The wire formed at the end of the coil is connected to the external part

Jiangsu Weiyuan Gaofeng Spring Co., Ltd. uses  CNC coils spring machnie to winder torsion springs and is capable of producing torsion springs of almost any size.